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Super Lube Syncopen Synthetic Penetrant (Non-Aerosol Pump) - 85032 1 qt. Case of 12 Super Lube Syncopen Synthetic Penetrant (Non-Aerosol Pump) - 85032 1 qt. Case of 12

To address the environmental concerns of those industrial facilities that do not allow the use of aerosol products, Super Lube Multi-Purpose lubricant and Syncopen Synthetic Penetrant are available in one quart Trigger Sprayers.
1 qt.
Case of 12

Our Price: $256.33
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Super Lube Metal Protectant and Corrosion Inhibitor(Non-Aerosol) 1 Quart Trigger Sprayer 83032 Case of 12 Super Lube Metal Protectant and Corrosion Inhibitor(Non-Aerosol) 1 Quart Trigger Sprayer 83032 Case of 12

Super Lube Metal Protectant and Corrosion Inhibitor is a synthetic, penetrating oil that provides long term corrosion protection. It is designed to create a moisture displacing barrier that protects against rust and corrosion on steel, aluminum and other metal surfaces.

Super Lube Metal Protectant and Corrosion Inhibitor penetrates hard to reach areas while leaving a protective film to help prevent future rusting or corrosion. Apply Super Lube Metal Protectant and Corrosion Inhibitor before storing or shipping equipment to preserve and protect from heat and humidity during adverse conditions.

Super Lube Metal Protectant and Corrosion Inhibitor is a NSF registered Food Grade lubricant, rated H1 for incidental food contact. Meets former USDA (H1) guidelines.

Case of 12

Our Price: $277.55
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Super Lube Silicone Lubricant (Non-Aerosol) 1 Quart Trigger Sprayer 56132 Case of 12 Super Lube Silicone Lubricant (Non-Aerosol) 1 Quart Trigger Sprayer 56132 Case of 12

Super Lube Silicone Lubricant Non-Aerosol Pump was developed because of environmental concerns. Many industrial facilities do not allow the use of aerosol products. This product addresses these needs.

Super Lube Silicone Lubricant Non-Aerosol Pump is a general-purpose lubricant, primarily designed to reduce friction in non-load bearing assemblies and is safe to use
on rubber, plastic, and vinyl. The silicone base has high dielectric capabilities and protects well against rust and

Super Lube Silicone Lubricant Non-Aerosol Pump is NSF Food Grade rated H1 for
incidental food contact. Meets former USDA (H1) guidelines.

Case of 12

Our Price: $939.48
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